On-line Counselling

"I have learned now, that whilst those who speak about one’s miseries usually hurt, those who keep silent hurt more” - C.S. Lewis

Therapy at your fingertips

Recognising that not everyone can arrange walk and talk therapy, I extend a similar safe and supportive space through on-line counselling sessions, to provide accessible integrative and personal therapy. These sessions guide you via Zoom to gently exploring your unique experiences.

Stepping Out is dedicated to adapting theory and creativity, to suit your individual requirements and on-line sessions provide a supportive environment and safe space to do just that. They are private one to one sessions, where you can embark on a transformative journey towards holistic well-being guided by you, to rediscover strength, resilience and wellbeing.

Just one click of a link joins us on camera via Zoom, allowing you to connect from any safe space globally. This means you can carve out a quiet, undisturbed place for yourself, and we'll dedicate focused time to understanding your situation fully.

If you’re ready to experience therapy that integrates easily into your life, contact me to schedule your virtual session at a time to suit you.