Client Information Page

Thank you for choosing me to be your therapist.

I feel privileged to work with you on your journey to feeling better and reaching your goals.

On this page, you will find our agreement to read, complete and sign and information to help you understand about on-line and outdoor therapy. You will also see links for ecotherapy locations and my therapy room.

Please complete your agreement form here

Please complete any feedback you may have here

Ecotherapy Information

Ecotherapy is an umbrella term for counselling that works within the natural world to enhance the therapeutic. It may be using elements of the natural world as a way of helping make sense of problems or issues - how we work will be tailored to your preference. 

My passion for ecotherapy (walk and talk therapy) and creative counselling comes from experiencing my own inner growth, as a result of regularly connecting with the outside world. I understand the strong relationship between mind and body and how being aware of our whole self and the people and world around us, can enrich our wellbeing. Being outside offers a sense of freedom sometimes offering a less intense experience offered in face to face room-based work.
All the spaces I use are risk-assessed and chosen for their combination of ease of access, well-worn routes, natural harmony and places of privacy - enabling you to relax in the knowledge that whatever we discuss will remain confidential.


Occasionally the weather can interrupt the session.  Suitable clothing may be needed to protect ourselves from the elements, as part of the experiential nature of the work is to be immersed in the landscape.  Please be aware that we will generally walk in all weather conditions (unless there is heavy rain or thunder and lightning)


I understand that this can be a concern – it is worth considering how you might deal with bumping into someone you know and we can discuss this at the start of our sessions together.


In order for us to focus on you, we’re unable to walk dogs during our sessions. Even the best behaved dogs need attention and furry friends are allowed to have their downtime, so we can focus on you, to get the best out of the session.

On-line Information

Online counselling can be a useful alternative to traditional face-to-face counselling. Therapists have been using various forms of on-line counselling for years and many clients have found it valuable.

On-line counselling follows the same fundamental principles as face-to-face counselling. It provides a secure safe place but instead of a weekly appointment in a consulting room, we hold the session from our own separate locations using a webcam and audio link. 

The confidentiality and security of your therapy remains central to all parts of the process.

I offer clients online counselling via Zoom™ video-conferencing software. This is an established, secure platform used by many online therapists. You can find out more about Zoom at

  • You may find the process of communicating from your own protected safe space very helpful in itself. Some clients say they find it easier to talk about some things when they're not the in the same room as their therapist (although this may not be the case for you).

  • I am able to offer you more flexibility on-line, for example, if you have to change location for any reason, you'll still be able to continue with your sessions, as long as you have access to your devices

  • On the day of the session, I will send you an email invitation to join the Zoom meeting. This will contain a link which you need to click on when you wish to join the meeting.

Possible disadvantages or difficulties:

  • Occasionally, but hopefully not, technological/connectivity issues can arise which affect therapy on-line. We'll discuss alternative means of contact and have an agreed course of action in case this happens. I have a very secure internet connection and generally have no problems.

  • You'll be responsible for ensuring privacy at your end and you'll need to be able to close the door on any noise, ensuring that no one interrupts us. Also, it’s advisable to turn off telephones and other forms of contact, unless you need to take an urgent call/text.

  • Please be aware that a certain level of IT literacy is required.  I will do what I can to help you, but if you feel that technology will be more of a barrier rather than a helpful tool this style of therapy is probably not for you.

See below for joining instructions

How to join on a computer or laptop

You can also use Zoom™ on a phone or tablet using the Zoom app, which you can download from your app store (see below) - this works in the same way although the screen may differ slightly from that on a computer. 

On computer or laptop you do not need to create a Zoom account. I will create a link to the meeting and send it to you by email.

  • We'll agree on the date and time of your on-line session in the usual way (usually by email)

  • I will send you an email invitation to join the Zoom meeting usually on the same day. This will contain a link which you should click on. As long as you can see the link has come from my email account at the expected time, this link will be safe.

  • The first time you open the link, Zoom will guide you through the process. It will ask your permission to upload the software to your computer and then take you to the meeting. This only takes a short time.

  • You'll be asked to ‘Open Zoom meetings’. You may also be prompted about using your computer audio and video.

  • When you've done this, you'll find yourself in the waiting room.  I will then see you are waiting and admit you into our meeting room.  This is a confidential and secure space.

  • To turn your camera on, tap the camera icon on the bottom left.

  • To turn your audio on, tap the microphone icon on the bottom left.

I will send an invitation to a new meeting each time. This ensures that the space is never available to any other clients

Join the session on your phone or tablet (ipad or similar)

You will need to download the Zoom app from your App store.

Joining the session:

  • Open my email and click on the Zoom meeting link. The Zoom app will automatically open into our meeting

  • If your camera is not showing, tap your device and tap the camera icon

  • If your audio is not working, tap your device and tap the microphone icon


Although online counselling can never be 100% secure, there are several things you can and should do to reduce any risk:

  • always use a password to access your computer and change your password frequently

  • keep the security software (virus protection, firewall) on your computer up to date

  • check regularly for software updates for your video and audio communication software

  • plan your session for a time when you know you can have privacy, making sure others in the house know not to disturb or interrupt you

  • find a safe and undisturbed space where you can set up your device and sit comfortably for the whole session – it is advisable to have a drink and tissues nearby.

  • close all other open browsers and programmes on your computer as these can affect the connection and either slow it down or cause the screen to freeze

Technical tips

  • Make sure your device is fully charged or have a charging device handy.

  • Use headphones with a mic attached if you prefer (your mobile phone headphones are suitable).

  • If you have limited broadband speed, it helps to close any other applications that may be using the internet and request other people in the household to refrain from using the internet for the duration of the session.

  • Use an ethernet cable rather than wi-fi if internet connection is unstable.